Week #8: SEO Rank

SEO Rank 

Facebook ads are a great way to promote your business. The social media website offers a few different options for you to use. There is the classic ad on the right panel of your newsfeed then there is the more prominent ads that are mixed with your friends’ and liked pages’ updates. But one thing to consider is how much revenue your ads will bring. If your number of page views or likes is gradually or consistently increasing, then you can assume your page has content that people thoroughly enjoy. If they think your page is lit then your ads are functioning as projected and it is a good idea to maintain them. Make sure to keep your ads trendy as people get bored easily if they keep seeing the same stuff; sad I know but it’s the reality of human nature. So hopefully you have a creative mind that can keep changing up your ads, if not you can most definitely hire someone to do it for you.the thing to keep in mind here for effective advertising is your content quality and effective advertising for your audience appropriately. Last but not least, have fun advertising!



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